I get it because I’ve been there. I know what it’s like to experience painful and uncomfortable symptoms and not know why. I know how frustrating it is to feel sick all the time and hear from doctors that ‘there’s nothing wrong with you.’
I went through it for years. I was exhausted. I gained 30 pounds even though I was exercising almost daily. I was losing my hair in clumps in the shower. I was so sick of it.
I turned to functional medicine in hopes of finding answers, and that's when my journey really began. I made changes to my diet and instantly started feeling better. The weight came off quickly and naturally. I started sleeping better. I felt like myself again!
This is the program I used to heal my body. It's the same program I start every patient on in my clinic. I developed this online program so that more people around the world could experience the same healing and results that my private patients achieve.